

On our blog we will inform every month about what we are currently doing at Finde Vielfalt.

We report about our games, our research project and our events.

We would be glad, if you visit us regularly.

Finde Vielfalt evaluates First game data

Since April we are with our game Finde Vielfalt Simulation and many school classes on a field test. On this occasion we are testing the game in Bad Urach and Filderstadt. The pupils play Finde Vielfalt Simulations and fill in questionnaires.  There are represented different grades and school types. Currently we are evaluating the first game data and will be presenting them on two conferences (ESERA and FDdB).

Finde Vielfalt was at the Learn festival at the University of Education Ludwigsburg

On July 15. the Project Finde Vielfalt was represented at the market of possibilities at the learn festival at the University of Education Ludwigsburg. A lot was offered at the Finde Vielfalt booth and many kindergarden groups and school classes were present.

Many kindergarden groups were searching with us at the campus to find the Green Treasure. The game Finde Vielfalt Simulation was beeing tested and with lots of commitment buttons with the Finde Vielfalt logo and game figure were made.

The winner of the drawing contest is decided

Thanks again to every child who has participated in our drawing contest in Bad Urach. It was not easy for us to agree on a winning picture. The pictures were rated by art educator Marc Benseler.


The most beautiful family FindeViel has been drawn by  Lena, 7 years old.

The great picture can be seen here.

The winner receives the prize by mail.

Finde Vielfalt At sustainability day in bad Urach

On 14th June 2015 Finde Vielfalt was present at the sustainability day in Bad Urach. We were guests on the orchard "Unterer Galgenberg" at the cycling tour "Nachhaltigkeit Erfahren".

Young and old tried the games Der Grüne Schatz and Finde Vielfalt Simulation and explored the biodiversity on-site with their smartphone.


A big thanks to all the children for participating at our painting competition

"Who draws the most beautiful family FindeViel?".

The winner of the competition will be announced here at the end of the week.

Our Geogame der grüne schatz is Complete!


Our Geogame Der Grüne Schatz is complete and can be played everywhere in Germany for free.

Here you get directly to the game.

And when are you going to search for your green treasure?

Advertising film for Our Geogame Der GrünE Schatz

Our Geogame Der Grüne Schatz has its own advertising film. You can watch it here:

Finde Vielfalt Simulation is starting the Field test

Our geogame Finde Vielfalt Simulation is starting the first field test about traditional orchard. A school class will be testing the game at the youth hostel Bad Urach. We are looking forward of what the pupils will say about the game. Parallel with the field test is the pilot testing of our surveys. We are eager to see how the first game round will be.

Advertising Film for Finde Vielfalt Simulation

Our geogame Finde Vielfalt Simulation has already two advertising films. There is one for pupils and one for teacher. The films are available on our homepage:

Finde Vielfalt is going to the conferences in Hamburg and Helsinki

We were at the ERIDOB conference in Haifa/Israel. For this year we applied again for conference contributions  and received a positive reply in March. In August 2015 we are going to ESERA in Helsinki and are allowed to present two poster. In September we are heading to Hamburg to the FDdB with a presentation and a poster. We are looking forward for the conferences and will report about it here on our homepage.

Game characters for Finde Vielfalt Simulation

We have got our game characters for our Geogame Finde Vielfalt Simulation. Currently we are working at the simulation and the game contents. A small glimpse of the game in form of the characters can be seen here:

Five Game topics for Finde Vielfalt Simulation

The topics for our geogame Finde Vielfalt Simulation are confirmed. At Finde Vielfalt Simulation will be the following game topics:


  • traditional orchard
  • cattle keeping
  • sheep keeping
  • lynx and wildcat reintroduction
  • urban biodiversity


The locations of the games, when which game is going to start and the specific content of the games won't be revealed at this point.

Content for Finde Vielfalt Simulation develops

There will be five different game topics for our Geogame Finde Vielfalt Simulation. Finde Vielfalt Simulation is a simulation game and we are currently working on variable and content for the simulations. Some of the topics are already fixed but they will not be revealed just now. The contents and topics will be notified here next year.

Training in Brilon for accociates of youth hostels

Our geogame Finde Vielfalt Simulation will be provided at ten youth hostels. So that all of the associates of the youth hostels get to know each other and the Finde Vielfalt Team we organized a two-day training in Brilon. Everyone was able to become more familiar with each other and could gather experience with the geogames. We hat a lot of fun at the training and we are looking forward for the next one next year!

Our second Geogame has a name!

Our second geogame has a name:

Finde Vielfalt Simulation

The geogame is aimed at pupils of grade 7 and upwards. That is why we started a survey by pupils how the game should be named. Therefore we offered several names. The pupils liked the name Vielfalt Simulation best and that is what it is going to be named. The game will be completed in summer 2015. You can read about our developments of the game in our blog.


Thanks to all the pupils, who have attended at our name survey!

Kinderuni ludwigsburg - we were There!

Fotos: A. Nörthemann

On 9th of October the Finde Vielfalt Team has organized a Kinderuni at the University of Education Ludwigsburg. Prof. Dr. Armin Lude explained the children and their parents why biodiversity is valuable and how to discover nature with a smartphone. Many children were there, where usually the big students are sitting, and learned a lot about biodiversity.

We would like to thank all children, who participated at our Kinderuni!


On October 15th, 2014 was an article about our Kinderuni in the Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung (newspaper). The complete article can be downloaded here. 

Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.3 MB

Finde Vielfalt bei der Kinderuni

Finde Vielfalt ist bei der Kinderuni 2014 an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg dabei.

Am 9. Oktober gibt es eine Vorlesung zum Thema

"Warum ist Vielfalt wertvoll?

Mit dem Smartphone Natur spielerisch entdecken."

Die Vorlesung ist für Kinder zwischen 8 und 12 Jahren offen und kostenlos. Die Vorlesung findet an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg statt.

Sie wollen bei unserer Vorlesung teilnehmen? Anmelden müssen sich sich vorher hier.

Mehr zur Kinderuni und zu unserer Vorlesung erfahren sie hier.


Das Finde Vielfalt Team freut sich auf Ihre Teilnahme!

FInde Vielfalt in der Zeitung

Anfang August haben wir unser Geogame der Grüne Schatz bei den Waldwochen in Remseck getestet. Unser Feldtest wird auch in der Zeitung "Remseck Woche" erwähnt:

" Die Gruppe der Naturentdecker wird in diesem Jahr außerdem wissenschaftlich begleitet. "Wir testen mit den Kindern Tablet-Spiele zum Thema Biodiversität", so Anabel Haas, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der PH Ludwigsburg, "wir wollen heraufinden, ob man den Kindern mit den Spielen die NAtur näher bringen kann. Spaß haben sie daran auf jeden Fall!".

Der Artikel "Ein ganzer Wald voller Kinder" ist im Amtsbaltt Remseck, Nr. 33 am 14. August 2014 erschienen und kann hier heruntergeladen werden.

Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.8 MB

Waldwochen Remseck - wir waren dabei!

Fotos: Armin Lude

Im Rahmen der Waldfreizeit "Waldwochen" des Jugendhaus Remseck haben wir unser Geogame Der Grüne Schatz gestestet. 50 Kinder haben unser Spiel gespielt und uns danach als Expertinnen und Experten in Gruppeninterviews erzählt, wie ihnen das Spiel gefallen hat und was wir noch verbessern dürfen.

Das Spiel Der Grüne Schatz gibt es ab  Frühjahr 2015 hier auf der Homepage. Unsere "Testkinder" durften es jetzt schon vorab ausprobieren.

Wir bedanken uns bei allen Kindern die mitgespielt haben und beim Jugendhaus Remseck!

Unser Geogame der grüne schatz wird getestet

Unser Geogame Der Grüne Schatz geht jetzt in die Testphase. Der Prototyp unseres Spiel steht und jetzt testen wir, ob das Spiel von Kindern gut verstanden wird und ob es spaß macht.

Deshalb werden wir unser Spiel bei den Waldwochen in Remseck bei der Kinderfreizeit Waldwochen des Jugendhaus Remseck mitmachen. Hier können Kinder zwischen 6 und 12 Jahren im Rahmen der Naturentdecker-Gruppe unser Spiel ausprobieren. Nach dem Spielen führen wir mit den Kindern Gruppeninterviews zum Spiel.

Wir sind gespannt wie unser Spiel ankommt und werden nach dem Feldtest hier berichten.

Konferenz Eridob in Haifa/Israel war ein Erfolg

Finde Vielfalt war vom 30.06. bis zum 4.07. auf der ERIDOB Konferenz in Haifa/Israel. Hier wurde mit einem Vortrag das theoretische Rahmenmodell und das Projekt vorgestellt. Der Vortrag wurde gelobt und unser Projekt wurde von der wissenschaftlichen Community gut aufgenommen. Wir haben viele gute Rückmeldungen erhalten.

Wir freuen uns schon auf die nächste Konfernz im August 2015. Dann fahren wir zur ESERA in Helsinki/Finnland.

Finde Vielfalt Goes to ERIDOB in Haifa/Israel

Finde Vielfalt ist vom 30.06. bis zum 04.07.14 bei der ERIDOB Konferenz in Haifa/Israel. Auf der Konferenz hält das Finde Vielfalt Team einen Vortrag und stellt das theoretische Rahmenmodell und das Forschungsprojekt Finde Vielfalt vor.

Wir sind gespannt wie die wissenschaftliche Community unser Projekt aufnimmt und werden hier berichten.

Family FindeViel is here

Our Geogame Der Grüne Schatz is soon going into the test phase and more contents are beeing produced. Now we have our own game characters. Our player will accompany family family FindeViel in the game. The game will be finished in spring 2015. But you can see the game characters already in advance:

News about Finde Vielfalt now in our Blog

Finde Vielfalt has its own blog now!

Here you can find news about the project every month.

We report about what is happening in our project and about the development of our games. We also report of our research project and show how Finde Vielfalt is presented in media and press.



We would be glad, if you visit us regularly!


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